Abundant Life

Jesus came to give us an abundant life. Poverty is NOT the will of God. And an abundant life is more than just money. I think Christian’s today settle for less than what God has for us. We enjoy going to church for the preaching, singing and fellowship. But are you receiving everything God has for you? Pray for what God wants you to do each church service. Set goals for yourself each week. What blessing do you want God to give you? Ask, seek and knock! Being humble doesn’t mean settling for less. It means being thankful for what we have. 

Ask God to show you things about your church family so you will know how to pray for them. When God shows you things then make it a matter of prayer NOT gossip. Pray that God will show you how to have an abundant life. Every Christian should strive to be the person they are created to be. Seek God in prayer, Bible study and praise. Don’t settle for less than God’s best for you!